Thursday, September 11, 2008

All the world's a stage...

and all the men and women want to be playwrights.

I'm directing a short play this fall and as part of the theater's arrangement, I have to choose from a list of selected scripts written by up-and-coming female authors. So far I have read scripts on the following topics:

Murder (3)
Ghosts only the protagonist can see (2)
Dissolving marriages (2)
Dissolving relationships (2)
Gang rape (1)
Alcoholism (1)
People who don't realize they themselves are ghosts (1)
Satanism (1)

I'm going to ask if I can do "The Odd Couple."

1 comment:

Liz said...

I have a suggestion that will please all: Ghosts only the protagonist can see AND people who don't realize they themselves are ghosts. An entire play about a protagonist attempting to figure out if the people around him are ghosts by asking people who aren't ghosts if they can see them too; only he can't figure out why the living aren't answering him! His name is Oscar. And hilarity ensues.